domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

care is what matters

one thinks that when you buy a fashion magazine like Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, think that can be  be treated in any way . thats false  because these magazines neat to  treated with love because it is as your guide to properly clothe ,you think they  are pages with women thats  not true, because hey are pages with top models and grat clothes,Just imagine if left out of the market, your life would be a disaster.


The term minimalist in its most general level, refers to anything that has been reduced to its essentials, shorn of surplus items. Is a translation from English transliteratedminimalist, minimalist means, ie using the minimum (minimal English). It is the tendency to reduce to essentials. It also 
applies to groups or individuals 
practicingasceticism and reduced their physical possessions and needs to a minimum, is alsomeant to simplify everything to a minimum. This meaning is clearer if it is explainedthat minimalism minimalism really means.